General Institutional Profile
was established in 1998 by a group of Palestinian experts interested in environment and natural resources issues.
PEF is inspired by creativity, dignity, and transparency values, striving for people’s green healthy environment now, and in time to come. PEF is active all over Gaza Strip, and mainly tackles the issues of the following areas: climate change, green practices, water and wastewater, solid waste management, food security and livelihoods, shelter, education, public health, infrastructure and capacity building activities, and related awareness campaigns of the communities. Collectively, PEF works towards contributing to environment and culture, sustaining the local resources, and linking the Palestinian communities with global initiatives.
Legal Status:
– Establishment Date: 1998
– Registration Date: 9/8/2000
– Registration Number:6008
Green Culture and Blossoming …
Improve the environmental situation in the Palestinian territories,
Raise communities’ public health & environmental awareness and practices,
Protect the local environment and natural resources from pollution and mining.
Contribute to sustainable and well-developed research strategies
Maintain cooperation with local, regional, and international organizations
PEF was founded, powered by creativity, dignity, transparency, and sustainability values, contributing to environment and culture, sustaining the local resources, and linking the Palestinian communities with global initiatives.
Comply with all Palestinian law, International humanitarian, and Human Rights laws.
Devote to community participation, engagement, and voluntary principles.
Commit to receiving funding in compliance with Palestinian law and the United Nations Charter.
Commit to the community culture, equity, and diversity principles.
Pledge to enhance the integration and partnership with the stakeholders and actors.
Apply the principles of: professionalism, sustainable development – transparency – accountability – initiative, learning, creativity, teamwork, justice, rationale, social responsibility, impartiality, and accuracy.
Dedicate to ensuring that the interventions are accordant to Palestinian national development plans and strategies.
Commit to governance, transparency and integrity, and accountability principles.
Apply the ethics of; affiliation and commitment – integrity – credibility – sincerity – tolerance – equality, fairness, and non-discrimination.
Donors and Partners

Representative Office of Japan to Palestine

Local Relations (Ministries, Municipalities)

Local Municipalities

Palestine - Gaza strip - Rafah - Aljawazat - Qishta building - floor 2
